Monday, September 04, 2006

Dropping Knowledge

I ran across an interesting site today called They are collecting questions from people all over the world and they are going to present the top 100 questions to a group of 112 people sitting around the world's largest table in Berlin on September 9th. I have a couple of reactions to this idea.:

1) The first is what an amazing tool the Internet is for such a project. Imagine attempting a feat like this just a short while ago before the Internet became ubiquitous. Now we can have people all over the world submit questions, edit them, vote on them and begin a global conversation that could become the genesis for a new age of cross cultural cooperation. This humble little effort just might usher in a new era of peaceful co-existence.

2) My second thought is what a total crock this whole thing is. Maybe I'm a bit cynical (you wouldn't be the first person to accuse me of it), but this looks to me like the world's largest committee. Ever been on a committee? Ever see anything worthwhile come out of a committee? I also can't help wonder about the political agenda of the organizers when I see that Cindy Sheehan is a participant. Is she really one of the 112 world's greatest thinkers, or does she represent a political philosophy that they want publicized? Hey - I'm just asking questions!

The group seems very heavily weighted toward writers, poets and artists. I have nothing against those vocations, but wouldn't it have made more sense to get people together who have actually solved problems instead of just asked the questions? I suspect this group would find any corporate executive suspect, but somebody who has actually met a payroll might have some insights into solving poverty. Of course, someone in that line of work might not be able to get the day off to sit around a big table solving the world's problems with DJ Spooky.

Here are a few of my favorite questions posed on the site so far (and no, I'm not making these up - typos were left intact):
  • Do fish feel thirst?
  • Why the Human Being is so stupid?
  • What is the significance of pareidolia?
  • Will managers with MBA's suck the soul out of business and society to the point where there is a revolt by worker and consumer?
  • why?
  • How long will the hype around this service last after the meeting has passed?
  • why is it so hard and complicated to mentally handle a broken-up relationship?
  • Who cares for growing and CONNECTING the tools and methods of collective intelligence and wisdom into a people-powered ecosystem of solutions, complex enough to match the complexity of our world problematique? (This is NOT a rhetorical question.)
  • If trees spoke, would they tell us another history?
  • Might the Q/A or Problem/Solution process divert us from seeking unifying synergy within our vast diversity of cognitive/affective competencies? Might we interact as if we have no adequate expertize, but have the potential to gain what we need?
  • Do I have to patent myself or my dna genes, that noone takes my dna and clones me?
  • how does sewage affect algae growth?
Well I'll overlook the insult of not being asked to sit at the table (the invitation is probably in the mail), but I will contribute my questions:
  • Why does one sock always disappear in the laundry? Where are they?
  • Why is "pair of pants" plural, but "bra" is singular?
  • Why is there air?
  • If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?
  • What's another word for synonym?
  • If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?
  • What should you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?
OK, OK, I didn't make all of them up. I found them on the Internet (most were attributed to George Carlin), but I still want to know the answers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun blog. I have to say... you crack me up.
