Friday, April 25, 2008

Geek Report

I have been doing in-service presentations for the faculty at our two colleges for many years, and it has evolved into something called the Geek Report. I try to highlight technology trends that might be helpful to them, whether in their personal lives (such as GTD), or things that could help them in teaching (such as Second Life). Tom Weisrock, who does a fantastic job organizing the in-service week at Saddleback College, produced this graphic to advertise my session in the fall. I don't know what this says about me (or about how much free time Tom has), but I got a chuckle out of it. You can click on it to view Tom's handiwork in full detail.


MrsJason2008 said...

Hope all is well with you. Miss your blogs.


Jim Gaston said...

Thanks - doing fine, just very busy. I'm hoping to get back to blogging soon!

Anonymous said...

You do not have your "Geek Report" scheduled for this Fall? Kind of disappointed...:(

Jim Gaston said...

I'm doing the Geek Report on both campuses as usual. At least I hope it's in the schedule. Check on Monday the 18th - 1:00 at IVC and 3:30 at Saddleback. I'm not sure what I'm going to talk about yet - but I hope to figure it out before then!