Sunday, December 03, 2006

Mohammed Aref

There is an amazing article on the front page of the LA Times today regarding a teacher in Afghanistan by the name of Mohammed Aref. The Taliban have been making a resurgence in the area in which he was teaching, and he had been warned through a "night letter" attached to his house that he needed to stop teaching. He chose to ignore the warning and about two weeks later a man on a motorcycle drove into the schoolyard and fired six shots into the teacher from an AK47. The article stated:
Aref had no way to defend himself. His only weapons were his faith in knowledge, some tattered books and a piece of chalk. He died in the dirt in front of horrified pupils.
What an amazing man. He chose to place the education of children over his own life. The article went on to describe a number of other educators in the same life-threatening situation. One woman has taken to carrying a pistol with her at all times to defend herself.

It's interesting to me that those who want to impose tyranny on a population see education as a threat. If your ideas can not stand the test of critical thinking, and you cannot bring yourself to reexamine those ideas, then I suppose it makes sense (in a sick and twisted way) to eliminate those who would teach people to think.

Ultimately I think that is what education is all about. Not just teaching a set of facts to be memorized, but to train people to think critically and to challenge the ideas of the status quo. I'm proud to be working in an industry that has that as its "end product". Let's hope that people like Mohammed Aref are able to succeed and train children who can think for themselves.

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