Thursday, February 02, 2006

Why Blog?

That is an excellent question and one that I have been struggling with for some time. I have been an avid lurker in the blogosphere and have wanted to become a contributor for some time, however, it always felt just a bit too narcissistic to me. Would I be posting because I felt I actually had something to contribute, or would it be just to hear/see the sound/text of my own voice?

Hopefully I have come up with an area where I can offer something of value. I have a real passion for the intelligent use of technology in the area of higher education. I love to keep an eye on technology trends and think about how they might be used to help educate people. That's what this site is all about. I'll be posting ideas and thoughts and hope any readers who stumble across this blog will join in the conversation. There is a lot happening in this space and my hope is this humble little blog will help further the conversation.

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